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Start or expand your herd

Goats for Sale

Our goats are small and easy to manage, they are a great addition to homesteads looking to add a reliable dairy animal (Nigerian Dwarf Goats are not seasonal breeders, they can be bred year round and can stay in milk for over a year, sometimes two).  Their small stature makes them a wonderful starter dairy animal - you won't need a livestock trailer to take them home and things like milking stands and housing can be easily DIY'd.  They also excel at cleaning up overgrown brush, delighting in eating things like multiflora roses, blackberries, poison ivy, stinging nettle, autumn olive, and more.  They're also curious, sweet, and mischievous- overall extremely personable animal companions.

Our goats are all registered with the ADGA (American Dairy Goat Association) and our herd is health checked annually for CAE, CL, and Johne's.  We have recently started AI to add new genetics and we participate in the ADGA's Linear Appraisal program.

New goat kids are born in the spring and are ready to go to their new homes around late spring/early summer (we also occasionally breed for fall kids).  Occasionally, we also have older goats for sale - still with plenty of good years, but for one reason or another they don't meet our herd goals.  Often times, it's just because we're looking to diversify the genetics in our herd and have too many related does.  These will be added to our website as they become available.

To get on our reservation list for goat kids please contact us. 

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